
Fee for Estimate Calculations if Constructco does not carry out restoration project.

Examples of Fee for Estimate provided AFTER Adjuster’s Initial Appraisal

Example 1. Adjuster’s Initial Appraisal: $30,000. Claim Settlement Amount: $32,500.

(i) (Deposit) $30,000 x 2% = $600, which is less than $695, so (i) = $695

(ii) (20% of difference) $32,500 (Claim amount) – $30,000 (Initial Appraisal) = $2,500 x 20% = $500

$695 (i) is greater than $500 (ii), so Fee is $695. Net pre-tax benefit to Owner: $1,805 ($2,500 – $695).

Example 2. Adjuster’s Initial Appraisal: $37,500. Claim Settlement Amount: $41,250.

(i) (Deposit) $37,500 x 2% = $750, which is greater than $695, so (i) = $750

(ii) (20% of difference) $41,250 (Claim amount) – $37,500 (Initial Appraisal) = $3,750 x 20% = $750

(i) and  (ii) are equal ($750), so, Fee is $750. Net pre-tax benefit to Owner: $3,000 ($3,750- $750).

Example 3. Adjuster’s Initial Appraisal: $45,000. Claim Settlement Amount: $50,000.

(i) (Deposit) $45,000 x 2% = $900, which is greater than $695, so (i) = $900

(ii) (20% of difference) $50,000 (approved Claim) – $45,00 (Initial Appraisal) = $5,000 x 20% = $1,000

$1,000 (ii) is greater than $900 (i), so Fee is $1,000. Net pre-tax benefit to Owner: $4,000 ($5,000 – $1,000)

Examples of Fee for Estimate provided BEFORE Adjuster’s Initial Appraisal 

Example 1. Claim Amount: $17,500

(i) (Deposit) $895

(ii) (20% of difference) $17,500 (Claim Amount) x 5% = $875

$895 (i) is greater than $875 (ii), so Fee is $895.

Example 2. Claim Amount: $30,000

(i) (Deposit) $895

(ii) (20% of difference) $30,000(Claim Amount) x 5% = $1,500

$1,5000 (ii) is greater than $895 (i), so, Fee is $1,500.

(If Constructco provides its Estimate before the Adjuster’s Initial Appraisal, the net pre-tax benefit to Owner cannot be calculated, but Owner can fairly assume the Claim settlement will be higher than it would have been without Constructco’s Estimate.)